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How to Use the New YouTube Analytics Comparison Feature


New YouTube Analytics Metrics: Side-by-Side Comparisons, Scatterplots, and Advance Mode, Oh, My!

Recently, YouTube launched new features in the YouTube analytics section of the Creator Studio. The video comparison updates are especially exciting – even if you’re not a data nerds like we are 🤓!

Data newbie? Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your YouTube channel analytics. Coupled with your awesome content, this data can help you turn YouTube from a side hustle to a full-on career!

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YouTube Analytics: Evaluating the First 24 Hours’ Video Performance

Typically, videos perform best in the first 24 to 48 hours. That’s not to say that views will drop off to NOTHING after 2 days, but it’s a crucial period for success.

To access the First 24 Hours report:

  1. Click on Video Report
  2. Choose Advanced Mode
  3. Tap the Date Picker function and select “First 24 Hours”

Now, you can examine multiple videos’ first 24 hours performance, side-by-side. Again, the first 24 hours’ stats don’t guarantee success. It is, however, helpful in determining what content captures your fans’ attention fastest.

youtube analytics new comparison features: first 24 hours video performance

Scatterplot Analytics: Comparing Multiple Videos & Time Frames At Onceyoutube creator studio analytics: first 24 hours vides performance to compare multiple videos

Curious about how your videos stack up against one another over time?

  1. In YouTube Creator Studio, click on Channel Analytics, then choose on Advanced Mode.
  2. Select “Compared to”.
  3. In the upper left-hand corner, select a date range in the Publish Date dropdown. Only videos uploaded from 2019 onwards will be available to compare.
  4. Choose from: The first 24 hours, first 7 days, or first 28 days under “Period since published”. This shows a scatterplot chart of how your videos perform, on average, during the same post-upload periods.
  5. Next, you can select a YouTube metric you want to compare between videos: impressions, click-through rate, average percentage viewed, likes, dislikes, watch time (hours), and average viewer duration.

Comparing Best, Average, and Worst Performing Videos

Pro Tip: If channel growth & earnings are your top goals, don’t waste time filming videos no one watches.

Now, take another look at your YouTube insights tool to see Youtube metrics that really matter: Best- and worst-performing videos.

comparing your best performing, worst performing, and average performing videos in new youtube analytics update

Compare your top 10 best & worst performing videos. Specifically, focus on:

  • Title keywords
  • Video description keywords
  • Hashtags
  • Video types: Tutorials, live streams, etc
  • Video lengths
  • Title lengths
  • Video thumbnail styles

Figuring these out is the first step to creating a YouTube content calendar of videos you KNOW will do well. The second step? Add in these 10 easy YouTube SEO tips, so your videos show up higher in feeds.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, these new YouTube insights tools are a must-have for any creator who wants to go pro on YouTube. Play around with different videos & time frames, identify common top traits, and start filming more videos!

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