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We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Around 84% of content consumed on social media networks (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc) is VIDEO. As an influencer, you cannot NOT do video content.
Why video? It’s easy to consume, fun to watch, easy to share, and fosters engagement with your fans.
But… How do you get your videos SEEN? By employing SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization: Using the correct keywords in the correct places gets your videos seen earlier, by more people, which leads to more fans and more sales.
1. Do Your Keyword Research
Your existing fans will probably watch your videos no matter what they’re titled, but you want new fans to find your content. Use the YouTube search bar, Google Trends, or Google AdWords Keyword Planner to see how many searches a particular word gets.
2, Name Your Video AND Video File Using Those Keywords
Say the key phrase you’re using is “Smokey Eye Tutorial” Simply calling a video “Easy smokey eye tutorial” will get it to show up in search results, but it won’t make a viewer want to click the video. Make the title fun, while still using your keywords, will entice current and potential fans to click. Add another layer of keyword recognition by naming your video file with your keywords.
3. Work Those Keywords Into Your Video Description
The more places you put your keywords, the better you’ll show up in search results. Writing a compelling video description that tells viewers what a video is about, but doesn’t give away everything, helps sell your video further and ranks you higher in YouTube and Google search. Be sure to include clear CTAs (Call To Action), like, “Excited about the new Urban Decay Naked Reloaded Palette? Click here to grab one for yourself – and tag me in your Insta photos so I can see how YOU use it!” Ideally, video descriptions should be at least 250 words.
4. Tag Your Videos With Those Keywords
Just like hashtags on Instagram, tagging your video with your keywords will help people find your content. Below, MagicLinks creators Taylor (Thatayla) and Jessica Braun (JAMbeauty89) do a great job adding keyword tags to recent videos.
5. Don’t Forget to Categorize Your Video
Uploading a video without selecting a content category is like throwing a basketball into the air, 5 miles from the court, and expecting it to make a basket. Don’t do it.
6. Create Playlists of Your Videos
If you regularly run special content series, i.e. GRWMs or Monthly Favorites, create playlists for those series. It’s another simple way to add more keywords to your channel.
7. Add a Poll Card to Your Video
A poll card is a great engagement tool that not enough YouTubers use. You can use it the way you do the Questions feature in Instagram Stories, to engage your fans and see what kind of content they want from you.
To add a card:
- 1. Sign into to your YouTube Video Manager, and click on ‘Edit’ for the video you want to add your Poll Card to.
2. Click on the ‘Cards’ button at the top, then click ‘Add Card’
3. Click on ‘Add Card’ one more time, to open up the creation window for the Card type you want to add.
8. Add Closed Captions to Videos With an SRT File
You can find the full how-to on the YouTube Captions Help page, but adding closed captions to your video helps you signal more keyword recognition. h
9. Add End Screens to Your Videos
Ever started out watching one video by a YouTube you enjoy, and it turned into an hours-long binge of half their content catalog? Us, too. Adding recommended video end screens is a GREAT way to encourage this habit, which ups your watch time statistics, which, hey hey hey, ups your ranking.

To do this:
- 1. Open Video Manager in Creator Studio
2. Select “End Screen & Annotations”
3. Link the similar videos you want to appear during the last few seconds of that video.
Want to earn money on YouTube? Join MagicLinks!
Cover image adapted from edgy.app