Getting Started with MagicLinks

CEO Brian Nickerson Featured on!


Not only is he a dachsund lover, great surfer, and all-around awesome boss, but our CEO and co-founder, Brian Nickerson, is one SMART guy. He’s dedicated to evolving the social media influencer game and making it a truly authentic experience for subscribers and creators alike. No surprise, then, that sites like are taking notice of him and MagicLinks!

Recently, MediaLeaders sat down with Brian to discuss 5 Ways to Build Successful Influencer Partnerships. Cultivating relationships between brands and creators is tricky; creators are rightly worried that they won’t be able to fully express their opinions on a brand’s products if they’re being paid to do so.

We’re not going to give away any spoilers here, but brands and influencers alike are definitely going to want to check out Brian’s full interview for some great tips. Go on, check it out!

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