Featured User: Nicole Elise!


Name: Nicole Elise

YouTube Channel: Nicole Elise

Twitter: @nicoleeliseh

Instagram: @nichussey

How long have you been using MagicLinks? I’ve been using Magic Links for about two years now!

What does authentic communication with your subscribers mean to you? Just being true to myself. Always being organic and genuine is very important to me.

Have you ever struggled to stay authentic on a particular topic, or with a particular promotional or vlogging partner? Not really. Any promotional videos or sponsorships I do are only for products/companies I really care for and use. If I’m not feeling the product, I won’t share it with my viewers. My subscribers are my friends and i wouldn’t recommend a company or product that I didn’t like to my friends.

How and why did you decide to start your channel? I started my channel about five years ago when Youtube was still a smaller niche. I was binge watching videos and connecting with so many content creators, that I realized I could do this too. I’ve always enjoyed being in front of the camera and sharing tips and tricks, which is why I thought that Youtube would be perfect for me!

What is the most difficult challenge you’ve faced as you’ve grown your audience? Honestly, being consistent. That is definitely key when growing your channel. Getting into the momentum to post at least one to two times a week seems like it’s simple but it definitely is a tedious process. There’s a lot of preparation that goes into filming and editing, and when you’re a one man team too it can get tough!

What inspires you? Everyone and thing around me! From the seasons throughout the year to the people I follow on social media platforms, I easily get inspired. The beauty community on Youtube is very inspiring as a whole so your creative juices are never slowing down!

What are your favorite topics to vlog about? Truthfully, chatty videos where theres no structure and my viewers are getting to know who I am as a person. Sometimes putting aside all the makeup and glamour and just rambling about anything and everything is my favorite. Connecting with my viewers is what I love most and is what keeps my channel grounded and genuine.

What causes do you care most about, and how are you involved in them? All my life I’ve been very involved with charity work and giving back that I’m constantly looking for ways to help the less fortunate. Right now I’m involved in a charity group called “XS PROJECT” where they give jobs to women and men in Indonesia, creating goods out of recycled products. Growing up my family and I would travel to different parts of Southeast Asia, donating school supplies and necessities to communities in need that I feel it is apart of our duty as humans to make the world a better place.

Do you have any pets? We love pets at MagicLinks! I don’t! But I am an extreme dog lover! Labradors in particular 🙂

What is your favorite MagicLinks feature? I don’t think people realize how much time and effort goes into filling out description boxes on our videos. Linking every item in our videos take a lot of time so being able to search certain products on the website makes things a lot easier. I save so much time!

What are your favorite topics to vlog about? Anything and everything haha!

What is one of the best comments you’ve ever received on one of your videos? I love reading all my comments! But there was this particular time a young girl left a comment on my channel saying that she had been having a bad week and that she started binge watching my videos, which inspired her to start her own channel and till this day we are still in contact!

What is your favorite place to shop? Oh my goodness! I don’t know what girl would be able to answer that with just one shop in mind! But definitely Sephora, Misguided, and Forever 21!

Is there anything you’d like to share with others in the community about your experience with MagicLinks? Yes! MagicLinks has helped me tremendously as another partial income to being a stay at home mom. Working from home and being able to watch my daughter grow is a huge blessing in and of itself. Magiclinks has definitely taken part in being able to work from home and provide for my little one!

P.S. Interested in being a Featured User on the MagicLinks blog? Contact janet@magiclinks.org!

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