Featured User: Mary Elizabeth of FreshPrincess1093!


Name: Mary Elizabeth

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/FreshPrincess1093

Twitter: @L0v3lyMaryJane

Instagram: @thelovelymaryjane

How long have you been using MagicLinks? Approximately 3 months

What does authentic communication with your subscribers mean to you? It means the world!! I feel like my viewers are my bestie. They give me constructive criticism then they boost me up. I just love engaging with friends from around the world.

Have you ever struggled to stay authentic on a particular topic, or with a particular promotional or vlogging partner? In the beginning of my youtube career I definitely struggled with authenticity when it came to sponsored reviews but then I thought to myself I shouldn’t promote anything I wouldn’t even buy myself.

How and why did you decide to start your channel? I started my channel back in 2011, when the beauty community wasn’t as big as it is today plus their weren’t that many plus size beauty blogger out there. I just found youtube as an outlet to learn and share talents

What is the most difficult challenge you’ve faced as you’ve grown your audience? The most difficult challenge was to stay constant with creating content daily, life just gets busy at times.

What inspires you? Life in general inspires me. The seasons,the trends even life experiences gives me inspirations.

What are your favorite topics to vlog about? Three words, Beauty,beauty,beauty! Ok thats one word but you get the point lol

What causes do you care most about, and how are you involved in them? Although I am not currently involved in any cause but I 100% care about anything dealing with veterans. Having a sibling that’s an active solider makes me deeply care for vets on a whole other level.

Do you have any pets? We love pets at MagicLinks! No but I really adore cute little fluffy puppies! Ahhh they melt my heart.

What is your favorite MagicLinks feature? The link wand! It makes it so easy to create links with a few clicks.

What are your favorite topics to vlog about? Three words, Beauty,beauty,beauty! Ok thats one word but you get the point lol

What is one of the best comments you’ve ever received on one of your videos? “this video just helped me for my channel, thank you!” Words like that just reassures me that my hard work is valued.

What is your favorite place to shop? The Drugstore!! OMG you can find everything there especially the makeup aisle (obsessed).

Is there anything you’d like to share with others in the community about your experience with MagicLinks? MagicLinks is so easy to operate and who doesn’t like making a few bucks by linking there their fav items.

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