Faux Followers: A Curse, NOT A Blessing


There are a lot of services that promise you YouTube and Instagram views and/or subscribers – and we happen to think they’re not worth it. Why? YouTube and Instagram are increasingly cracking down on these faux-scribers. Many popular YT/IG stars have seen their view counts and subscriber numbers plummet as a result. So… How do you GET followers? REAL ones?

Recommend What You REALLY Like and Use

People trust recommendations from their favorite social media stars – that’s why we created MagicLinks, so you can recommend products to your subscribers quickly and safely! – but when it’s sponsored, it’s obvious. Just think of how many weight loss tea and tooth whitening posts you’ve seen that are clearly written by a marketing professional, not an actual social media star. Don’t recommend something that you don’t 100% love: It shows. Be authentic.

Commenting: Put Thought Into It

After a certain point, there’s no way you can personally respond to every single comment made on one of your videos or posts. Not unless you want to give yourself an IV of caffeine, clone yourself, and learn to type 500+ WPM. Good YouTubers make a point to respond to as many as they can, and to do so thoughtfully, not just with a “LOL thanks U rock” or other impersonal responses. If you see a war brewing in the comments, try to address it in the comments, or mention it in a video. It makes you look like less of a persona crafted by a marketing team, and more like, well, you.

Liking and Linking: Likes Beget Likes

Think of this as tit for tat; if you’re active on social media, interacting with other YouTubers, their subscribers will take note and be more likely to click over to your social media pages. Tweet, link, and like other YT tutorials, FB posts, Periscope chats, Snapchats, and more, and you might see an increase in your own followers. Networking isn’t just for job interviews, people!

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