
Name: Marcel 

YouTube Channel: AstonishingStudios

Location: Rhode Island, USA

How long have you been vlogging? I have been making YouTube videos since early 2011, which was around the start of middle school.

​What inspired you to start your vlog?  I was inspired to make YouTube videos because one of my friends obsessed over his YouTube channel in 2009, which started my dream of becoming an astonishing YouTuber, pun intended. However, I had no idea what video content to make until I saw my favorite video of all time: A Lego Candy Machine (the original link to the video was taken down). Candy and LEGO have been my biggest obsessions since I was a kid, and seeing that the two could be combined inspired the start of my channel.

Any words of wisdom for someone considering starting a vlog? Unless you have considerable experience with videography, video editing and/or graphic design, expect your videos to receive decent traffic no sooner than a year after you start up your channel. I decided to transition from the idea of starting a YouTube channel to actually doing it because I saw a YouTuber with thousands of views on low quality videos. I still don’t know how his content got so popular, because my first video only has a fraction of one of his videos after five years ( Regardless of where you start with your video quality, it still takes a while before you gain enough recognition for YouTube to circulate your videos. Once you do, though, it’s awesome!!

How long have you been using Magic Links? I have been using Magic Links since my MCN introduced it to their dashboard. So for almost a year now.

What is your favorite thing about MagicLinks? Magic Links is da bomb because I am able to create Amazon affiliate links despite living in a state ineligible for their direct service. I can also create affiliate links to other sites without manually applying as an affiliate with online shops, which is really convenient!

What feature do you find the most useful in Magic Links? I really like Magic Links’ 30-day Snapshot of my earnings as well as the easy-to-use link wizard. I’ve tried other affiliate services like Magic Links before, but none have been as uncomplicated as yours.

What advice would you give other Magic Links users to get the most out of the program? To get people to click on your Magic Links and, more importantly, buy the product you are promoting, you need to prove that the item is something your subscribers NEED, not want. On my channel, I focus on three Magic Links, all of which lead to products with basic LEGO kits. I realized the need because my subscribers were frequently asking how to get LEGO to build their own candy machines. Since regular sets have pieces too awkward to be reused, Magic Links leading to basic LEGO kits provide them with parts necessary to build their own machine. If you have a makeup channel, leverage tutorials to convince fans that they need product X to get their eyelashes to look as full as yours.

Have any pets? We love pets here at MagicLinks! In a family of four kids, we do not have room for another wild creature. My mom is allergic to dogs and cats anyways.

Favorite quote or mantra that you live by? As a student close to high school graduation, I thought of this: “Forget quotes! I’m busy walking the walk, not talking the talk!” Sure, it defeats the purpose of a quote, but it also expresses the importance of taking initiative.

If you could travel anywhere tomorrow where would you go? Definitely Death Valley. They’re expecting weather in the eighties this week, and as someone with Raynaud’s Phenomenon, I’d do anything for the hot sun. Also, they’re in America, which means a McDonald’s is always nearby. 🙂

Favorite Magic Links Retailer? Amazon for the win! Although Magic Links for most other retailers last significantly longer, I can always expect the product I want to be there.

What is one of the best comments you have received on one of your videos? It was not on my video, but one of McDonald’s global directors noticed my Chicken McNuggets Vending Machine and emailed me, hoping to have a phone call about it. I enthusiastically and quickly replied with my phone number, but he never responded. Kind of a bummer, but still one of the greatest compliments.

Where is your favorite place to shop? I’d be lying if I did not say the LEGO store.

What’s the best deal you’ve scored in the past month? Amazon always has great deals, and I got 40% off Dude Perfect’s book “GO BIG”. It’s the perfect text about combining your hobby with a business mentality on YouTube. In my case, Magic Links is part of my business strategy! 😀

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